Water Warriors United
What We Do
The Water Warriors United Campaign
Water Warriors United focuses on improving water security for families through delivering clean drinking water and safe water storage containers across these communities.
Since May 2020, we have delivered over 1,000,000 gallons of water to 80+ communities on the Navajo Nation!
About 30% of Navajo Nation residents have to haul water, according to the United Nations
Why do Navajo Nation residents need water?
It’s hard for many of us living in the United States to understand life without tap water. Now, more than ever it’s important for people to have water to wash their hands, clean their homes, and drink.
Dinétah means “Land of The People.”
54,000 Dinétah residents don’t have access to a public water system.
Lack of infrastructure or transportation. People often don’t have the means to haul large amounts of water. Much of the water is obtained at watering stations throughout the Reservation that people sometimes have to travel more than 20 miles on dirt roads to reach.
The Reservation is huge. It encompasses 27,425 square miles (17 million acres) and 170,000+ people call some part of the “rez” home. This land area is larger than the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island combined, much of which is desert and rough terrain.
Replenishing Tribal members daily water supply is dependent on a number of factors. Water Warriors United is working with your help to alleviate those factors.
Think of all the times during the day that you use water, and how easy it is. Now imagine having to travel this rough terrain to get it.
The pandemic makes getting water to those in need even more crucial.
Artist: Jennifer Barnhill Clinard
From our Founder:
“We will never be able to measure the magnitude of language, culture, or history that this virus has taken from our tribes. Stories handed down through generations or teachings structured from ancestral foundations. We have already lost so much, but are also collectively doing so much. That’s where we would like your help.” —Zoel Zohnnie